Supply, Delivery and Installation of 48 Vertical Industrial Turbine Pumps
The produced pumps for the Dukan Dam to Sulaymaniyah are as follows:
10 x 350VTP/3 Stage with 600 kW 4P 6600 V Electric Motor
10 x 350VTP/5 Stage with 925 kW 4P 6600 V Electric Motor
20 x 350VTP/5 Stage with 1020 kW 4P 6600 V Electric Motor
4 x 450VTP/1 Stage with 160 kW 6P 380 V Electric Motor
4 x 150VTP/1 Stage with 37 kW 4P Electric Motor
The supplied pumps were 1.2 MW installed in 3 Pumping stations. The Water Treatment plant consisted of the following:
10 x 600 kW Pumps taking the raw water from the river and pumping it to the treatment plant. Each pump delivered 1000 m3/hr @ 154 meters.
After treating the water it was pumped from the treatment plant (TP1) to Pump station 1 (PS1) about 40 km away. This was done by 10 x 925 kW pumps each delivering 1000 m3/hr @ 230 meters.
From Pump station 1 (PS1) it was pumped to Pump Station 2 (PS2) about 40 km away to PS2. This was done by 10 x 1020 kW pumps each delivering 1000 m3/hr @ 257 meters.
From Pump station 2 (PS2) it was pumped to holding tanks on top of Azmar mountain about 40 km away. From there it is gravity fed to the City. This was done by 10 x 1020 kW pumps each delivering 1000 m3/hr @ 257 meters.